Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

A Notice from Tottori Prefecture:
     Surgical masks and frequent hand washing are essential for curtailing the new coronavirus. Avoiding crowded places, getting sufficient rest, and eating a balanced diet are also important.
< To those traveling abroad: >
●Keep abreast of the conditions in the area of your destination by checking the prefectural, Ministry of Labour, and Foreign Ministry web sites.
●If traveling to regions where there is a high risk of new coronavirus pneumonia infection, avoid marketplaces where live animals are handled, and take all precautions such as wearing a surgical mask and washing hands frequently.
< To those entering or returning from China: >
■Persons entering the country from any region where there is a high risk of new coronavirus pneumonia infection should apply for quarantine if experiencing any symptoms of cough or fever or if taking any cough or fever reducing medication.
■If you experience any symptoms of cough or fever after having entered the country, please contact your nearest health facility to receive an examination according to the directions of a health professional.
Consultation Hotline in Case of Fever or Similar Concerns (24-Hour Hotline)
Tottori City Health Office TEL 0857-22-5694 (after hours call 0857-22-8111)
Kurayoshi Health Office    TEL 0858-23-3145
Yonago Health Office TEL 0859-31-9317
*For details: Tottori Prefecture Website