IAAF World Relays Yokohama 2019 : Public Viewing to Support Jamaica

IAAF World Relays Yokohama 2019 : Public Viewing to Support Jamaica
When 7AM-9PM Sunday, 12 May 2019
Where Hotel Monarque Tottori, Jinpu Room (2F)
Application Admission free
No reservation required in advance.
All are welcome.
For Information 0857-26-7621 or (day of event) 080-6260-9008

1. Public Viewing of World Relay: Terrestrial television (TBS network) 7am-9pm

2. Social with Jamaican ALT (during CM & match): Trivia quiz about Jamaica & strap making

3. Intro to Reggae with Tottori Reggae Crew: Reggae music is a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage

4. Jamaican Cooking: As eaten by Jamaican athletes, at the Hotel Monarque

5. Message in Support of Jamaica: Write messages to the Jamaican team on the flag for the JOA

6. Exhibit of Jamaican Uniform, Panel, and Folk Art: Panel from the pre-game camp at the 2007 and 2015 track-and-field meet in Tottori, uniform signed by the athletes, panel on exchange activities with Tottori Prefecture, and display of traditional folk crafts