Bringing meat products into Japan is prohibited! (Animal Quarantine Service)
A Special Notice from Animal Quarantine Services to Foreign Residents of Japan
Please be advised that Japan’s location surrounded by ocean, bringing in animal (livestock) illnesses from overseas is subject to severe penalties. Nearly all beef, pork, and chicken products, including processed meats such as ham, sausage, and bacon, are strictly prohibited.
As of July 2020, procedures regarding violations of this law have been revised to include harsher penalties. Inspection within Japan’s airports and post offices makes use of quarantine inspection sniffer dogs to more strictly control violations of the prohibition on livestock products.
When returning to your home country, be sure not to bring any meat products back to Japan with you. Inform your family and friends as well, to prevent them from bringing such items when traveling to Japan. Also be sure those in your home country do not enclose meat products in parcels they send to you by post.
Your cooperation helps protect Japan’s livestock against illness from abroad.
Website: Ministry of Agriculture, Foresty, and Fisheries of Japan, Animal Quarantine Service

▼YouTube Video: Don't make me sit!
Ministry of Agriculture, Foresty, and Fisheries of Japan, Animal Quarantine Service